Cloud Governance Best Practices

September 18, 2021


Cloud computing has revolutionized the IT industry, allowing businesses to reduce costs, increase agility, and improve scalability. In this context, cloud governance is essential to ensure that organizations make the most out of their cloud environments while minimizing risks.

But what is cloud governance, exactly? Simply put, cloud governance refers to the policies, procedures, and controls that ensure that cloud resources are used effectively, efficiently, and securely. To achieve this goal, organizations can choose from a variety of solutions. But what are the best practices for cloud governance? Let's find out!

Best Practice #1: Choose a Cloud Provider with Robust Security Features

When it comes to cloud governance, security is paramount. That's why choosing a cloud provider that offers robust security features should be a top priority. Some of the security features that you should look for include:

  • Encryption: Ensure that your data is encrypted, both in transit and at rest.
  • Access controls: Define who has access to your cloud environment and what they can do.
  • Compliance: Ensure that your cloud provider complies with relevant regulatory requirements.

In this regard, Microsoft Azure stands out as a cloud provider with a strong focus on security. According to a Forrester study 1, Azure's security features outperform those of other cloud providers, such as AWS and Google Cloud.

Best Practice #2: Implement a Cloud Governance Framework

To manage your cloud environment effectively, you need a cloud governance framework. A cloud governance framework consists of policies, procedures, and controls that ensure that your cloud environment is used efficiently, effectively, and securely.

One of the most popular cloud governance frameworks is the Cloud Adoption Framework 2 by Microsoft. This framework provides a comprehensive set of best practices, templates, and tools to help organizations plan, implement, and govern their cloud environment.

Best Practice #3: Define Clear Roles and Responsibilities

To ensure that your cloud environment is used effectively, you need to define clear roles and responsibilities. This means defining who is responsible for what tasks, who has the authority to make decisions, and who is accountable for the outcomes.

By defining clear roles and responsibilities, you can avoid confusion and misunderstandings, increase accountability, and improve the overall effectiveness of your cloud governance strategy.

Best Practice #4: Leverage Cloud Management Platforms

Cloud management platforms (CMPs) are tools that help organizations manage their cloud resources efficiently. CMPs can automate many of the tasks associated with cloud management, such as provisioning, monitoring, and scaling.

One of the leading CMPs on the market is Azure Arc 3 by Microsoft. Azure Arc allows organizations to manage resources across on-premises, multi-cloud, and edge environments, providing a unified control plane that simplifies governance and reduces complexity.


In conclusion, cloud governance is essential to ensure that organizations make the most out of their cloud environments while minimizing risks. By adopting the best practices outlined in this article, organizations can achieve effective, efficient, and secure cloud governance.

Remember that security, frameworks, clear roles and responsibilities, and cloud management platforms are key to cloud governance. Consider the best solution for your business's unique needs and leap confidently into the cloud.


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